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The ultimate checking account for 24/7 monitoring that keeps your assets protected and your identity safe.
Our 超性能检查 account includes advanced monitoring and identity theft protection to ensure you and your money are safe from the ever-increasing risks associated with data breach and identity theft.
超性能检查 (UPC) lets you enjoy the convenience of checking and liquidity along with special family bonuses. With just $1,开个账户, 加州海岸将免除每月20美元的维护费,只需支付15美元,000 daily balance.1
Also included as part of your 超性能检查 account is an entitlement for the primary account holder to receive the following powerful proactive identity fraud monitoring services at no additional cost.3
With special family benefits, bonuses and discounts, you and your family6 can get a bonus on select certificates and a discount on select loans. Learn More
已经有一个超级性能检查帐户, 但还没有登记身份欺诈监控? Register Now
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用你的加州海岸万事达卡在镇上购物® and earn 5% cash back automatically at participating local businesses.7 Simply look for the Mastercard Local™ logo when you shop, and enjoy the cash back.
Each California Coast checking account comes with a FREE California Coast Debit Mastercard®. It’s a “must-have” wherever you go—because it gives you 24/7 access to your cash and lets you make purchases wherever you see the Mastercard® logo. 无论是在路上现金还是购物, our card fraud protection program always protects you and your money! Plus, our new chip-enhanced debit card provides additional security.
有分红的支票账户, you can earn dividends with a high monthly interest on your balance and enjoy all the conveniences that come with Cal Coast checking accounts.
Build your savings with a Cal Coast certificate and enjoy competitive fixed rates with your choice of terms from 3 months to 5 years.
APY =年收益率百分比. 截至2024年5月13日,费率准确. 房价及条款如有更改,恕不另行通知. Visit calcoastcu.网站或访问我们的分支机构之一,了解有关费率的详细信息, fees, 最低余额要求. 会籍及信用须经批准. Serving everyone who lives or works in San Diego or Riverside counties. 一次性5美元的会员费和储蓄账户是必需的. Restrictions apply.
Have questions? 想了解更多信息? 我们非常乐意和你联系. Let’s Talk. 填好表格.
NMLS ID# 407951